You got to marvel at how smart Miami City Manager Danny Alfonso has turned out to be. He's so smart that he's now able to look into the future and predict not only that the members of the Miami City Commission will fail to come up with the votes to force the RFP on the Rickenbacker Marina to be thrown out - on that one, he doesn't have to be all that smart because even I can predict that - but better yet, he can predict just how the contract negotiations will go with the Christophs, and come up with the new numbers  - numbers more favorable to the Christophs - that will be hammered out during those negotiations even before they take place.

It's either that, or contrary to the direct orders he received from the members of the City Commission, Alfonso has had Daniel Rotenberg, the Director of the Real Estate and Asset Department secretly meeting with the Christophs and their lawyers negotiating a contract on the sly.

This is not as far fetched as you might think given that the below email confirms that there was an initial meeting to discuss a contract on June 10th, ten days before the June 20th Special Commission meeting that was called to discuss throwing out the RFP bids and starting over.

And so in a document that's been circulating since July 5th, Danny Alfonso was able to come up with entirely new financial numbers - numbers obviously acceptable to both the City and the Christophs - without any negotiations.  

I tell you, it's amazing how smart Danny Alfonso is.

Amid all of this you got to wonder just how much money Brian May, who I affectionally refer to as Count Dracula, is collecting to ramrod this through to a successful referendum vote, and you also got to wonder what has been promised to all of the others who have obviously bent over and sold their asses on this deal, because this one is skankier than even the ones that Sarnoff used to pull off, and we all know the kinds of money he collected just in campaign contributions.

It's all part of what makes Miami, Bitches!