The emergency hearing before Judge William Thomas on an Amended Petition for Mandamus to direct the Miami-Dade County Commissioners and the Mayor of Miami-Dade County to put the Referendum question regarding changes in the county's campaign finance and "gift" ordinances was held on Thursday morning and lasted a little longer than an hour and a half.

Representing the Plaintiffs was Joe Geller, and representing the County was Oren Rosenthal.  

There is no set time when the judge will issue his opinion, but both sides have indicated that whatever opinion the judge issues will immediately be appealed to the 3rd District Court of Appeals, and ultimately to the Florida Supreme Court.

I will not be able to video those hearing, but I think that this hearing will provide anyone who is interested in the salient issues of fact and the arguments in support or opposition.

Here, is the complete video of the hearing minus the little jumps when I had to reset the camera.