Last December I wrote two stories revealing that Marcia Del Rey and her family had donated $25,000 to Regalado's ECO, Serving Miamians, to support her campaign for county mayor.  In the process I uncovered and wrote about the seamy history of the Del Rey family in the sex motel business, how some of that money was financing her campaign, and the sordid and tragic history of her uncle and cousin that led to a horrific traffic accident that led to 3 deaths.  You can read those stories HERE and HERE.

For those who continue to doubt that Raquel Regalado is as, if not more corrupt than her father, call your friends in the Kendall area and ask them if they've gotten a ROBO call from Raquelita for her pal Marcia Del Rey.  

Daddy Regalado has always had a reputation of doing favors for gangsters, scammers and the ethically challenged in return for taking their money, and it looks like Raquelita is carrying on in that family tradition.

In the last few days, a new story written by blogger Sandy Skelaney was posted that covers some of the information that I initially included in my stories but with a lot more detail about Del Rey's financial ties to some of the "sex motels," in Miami and elsewhere, and raises the implications of what it would mean having someone on the Circuit Court bench tied to this business.

As I was getting ready to post this story, David Ovalle at the Herald posted a story that reveals that Del Rey's claims that she was once as assistant prosecutor are bogus. Why is that not a surprise.  Especially the part where she just quit coming to work.

As if the court system in this county isn't screwed up enough, the possibility of having someone like Marcia Del Rey on the bench should scare the bejesus out of people.

Click HERE to read Skelaney's story.