De Valle's hypocrisy knows no bounds.

In January of this year, when she decided to reveal that she was working for Regalado, a decision that was made because because that information would be included in the Regalado campaign report that came out a couple days after her revelation, she posted a story on her blog about how she couldn't sit on the sidelines "during this important campaign," and so therefore she decided to lend her "considerable talents" to the Regalado campaign.

Elaine De Valle loves to claim that she not only tough as nails, but that she's smarter and more ethical than any other blogger in Miami.

The truth of it is that while she's a pretty good writer, her ethical behavior has long made her the laughing stock of both the blogger and political  community because over the last 3 years she's become nothing more than a paid shill for political candidates who she promotes on her blog, often withholding the fact that she had become a paid member of the candidate's campaign team while attacking the opponents of the candidates who hire her.

That behavior was what led me in February to write a story detailing her activities of supporting or attacking candidates while failing to reveal that she had been on the campaign payroll of the ones she supported.

Well, it turns out that not only does that make her a shill, but it also raises the possibility that her activities mean that she's been violating the Florida law that requires all campaign related communication to be clearly identified as such.

In short, all those blog posts that she wrote supporting a candidate, or attacking the opponent of a candidate who was paying her to be a "campaign media consultant," should have included the notice of disclosure cited in the above statute, including of course all the the stories below that she's written while being a paid member of Raquel Regalado's campaign team.

Raquel Regalado has shown a consistent and willful disregard of Florida's campaign finance laws where to date she has been fined a total of $8,526.26 for violating the law while managing both her father's campaign for Mayor and her own school board campaign, so it make perfect sense that she and Elaine De Valle would find themselves simpatico, because if there's one skill that scammers/schemers always seem to have in abundance is the ability to recognize a fellow scammer/schemer across a crowded room.

Buckle up, Chica Chica, working for Raquelita comes with benefits that includes a trip to the Florida Elections Commission where you can dazzle them by explaining your your considerable talents in violating the law.

It's Miami, Bitches!