Over the years, Tomas Regalado made lying to avoid embarrassing questions into an art form anytime he was confronted by a reporter.

Asked a question about something stupid or crooked that he or someone in the administration had done and he would amp up his Cuban accent and start mumbling about how 'he didn't know', or 'couldn't remember,' or "really wasn't sure" about whatever it was that he was being asked about.

Instead of being decisive and taking responsibility, Regalado would morph into everyone's dottering old grandfather who couldn't remember what he had had for breakfast the day before.

Over the years that Francis Suarez has been on the Commission, he too has demonstrated an occasional bad case of cowardice by refusing to take a position on difficult or politically controversial issue.  

Suarez is, I believe, driven by a deep aversion to risk, and it's that aversion that could become a big problem for the City of Miami if he becomes Mayor, even if he only remains a weak Mayor, rather than the strong Mayor that he lusts to be.

In any event, below is the story by David Smiley on Suarez's behavior during the last Commission meeting, and his claim the next morning that he couldn't come up with a specific reason why he disappeared before the vote on the marijana question.

As for Frank Carollo's disappearance, well, Frank is Frank, and for every time he does something that makes you sit up and pay attention and wish that there were more Frank Carollo's on the Commission, he does so many more boneheaded and completely stupid things that any notions by him, or anyone close to him that he actually could get elected Mayor of Miami are the result of getting to close to that "Wacky Weed."

It's Miami, Bitches!