Say what you will about Rick Scott - and plenty of you have - he showed up for a Press Conference in Wynwood this afternoon with his Lieutenant Governor; Florida's Surgeon General; Florida's Commissioner of Agriculture, and a whole bunch of other folks, including Congresswoman Fedricia Wilson and Congressman Carlos Curbelo, along with Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez, 4 or 5 senior members of his staff, Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine, along with his City Manager, 5 representatives/ business owners from Wynwood, and a bunch of other people.  

They all came to talk about the Zika virus, and to provide the latest information to a large collection of local media.

Everyone was there except the Mayor of Miami, the City Manager of Miami, Commissioner Ken "Selfie Boy" Russell, Commissioner Keon "Hire My Family For Community Outreach" Hardemon, and Commissioner Willie "I got more important things to do" Gort, who collectively represent the area in and around Wynwood that was the center of the first outbreak of this virus.

Why is this important, and why am I doing my best to embarass their sorry asses?  


First, it's the City of Miami's responsibility, through their Code Enforcement Department to have been the initial first line of defense when it came to making sure that all the junk and standing water that are the primary breeding grounds for these mosquitos were dealt with.

If you listen to the comments and complaints of residents in the Wynwood, Midtown and Little Haiti  area, Code Enforcement has been derlict in their duties for a long time, including the period leading up to the first folks getting bit by mosquitos in the Wynwood area.

Secndly, I asked the Governor point blank whether the Mayor of Miami had been invited to this event and he said. "Yes."

The refusal of the Mayor or anyone else from Miami City government to show up is just another glaring example of just what a collection of dumb fucks are running the City of Miami, and why they need and deserve to be embarassed for their lack of concern about an issue of such impact to the citizens and business owners of the city.

But, since all of you reading this didn't show up either - although you can be excused since most of you didn't know about this meeting - and also because you entrust your elected officials to be your eyes, ears and represenatives at these kinds of events, here is the video of the complete meeting, and below that some random photos that I took before and after the meeting.

It's a sorry collection of small time grifters who've been elected to office in the City of Miami, and this is one time, and one issue that should galvanize folks into realizing that they deserve better, and that the screwing that they keep getting at the hands of these morons should cause them to start demanding better.