You got to hand it to Uncle Roy, he figured that if all the women candidates could campaign for office with photoshopped photos of themselves, he could too. Uncle Roy couldn't look this good in real life if he was pickled in a barrel of Oil of Olay for a month.

Putting that to the side,  Roy Hardemon demonstrated that when it comes to running for public office, paying attention to the rules is just something that suckers do.

In a campaign where he only raised and spent less than $8000.00, Hardemon managed to run up 9 fines for failing to file any campaign finance reports, totaling $1527.45 in fines.

Even in a state that has a history of electing some very corrupt people to public office, the fact that Hardemon's criminal record, even before these latest examples of him ignoring the campaign finance laws, includes being charged with "35  different crimes" over the years guarantees that Uncle Roy will definitely become someone to watch in Tallahassee. In fact, he might even become the new "Mister 305."

It's Miami, Bitches!