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I can't say the last 8 years have been all fun, but there have been a lot of laughs along the way, and the stories of you and your administration, from your attempt to bribe Chief Exposito, to the ways you came up with to screw the taxpayers, along with all the crooks, scammers and schemers you welcomed at City Hall with open arms certainly made your years as Mayor memorable.

And who can ever forget those Regaladoisms, like, "In Miami, every deal is a bad deal."

You definitely had first hand knowledge of how true those words were, didn't you.

You were a wordsmith when it came to mangling the language, but my favorite of all of your sayings will always be, "We have to fuckus on the future."

Yes, we do have to fuckus on the future.

Nor will anyone soon forget all those stories about how you abused your position, you know, like living rent free, and freeloading from restaurant to restaurant across the city, and especially your efforts to steer contracts to cronies, all stories that will live on long after you drive off to today

So as you leave City Hall, don't look at this as goodbye, because I have every expectation that as that old song goes, 'We'll meet again....'